Discipline = freedom

5 lessons from Ryan Holiday’s latest book

Saurav Risbud
3 min readMay 1, 2023

Ryan Holiday has carved out a niche as a modern philosopher, combining his deep understanding of Stoicism with insights into contemporary society and culture.

I recently picked up his latest book Discipline is Destiny, which explores the power of temperance, through the stories of historical figures like Ernest Shackleton, Martha Graham, Lou Gehrig and Queen Elizabeth II.

The book is filled with great stories and lessons. Here are 5 of my key takeaways:

1. Showing up is 90% of the battle.

Doing a little every day will have a much bigger impact than trying to do a lot on rare occasions. This concept is neatly captured in this image from Liz Fosslien:

Image credit: Liz Fosslien

2. Perfectionism is a vice

Many great artists can trap themselves in a creative prison, unwilling to publish their work because it doesn’t meet their own exacting…



Saurav Risbud

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